Innately Perio Lab

Bench Space
Dr. Prakasam's lab consists of 600 sq. ft. laboratory fully equipped for molecular biology & immunology applications.

Tissue culture facilities
Dr. Prakasam's Lab in addition to the lab space has a 220 sq. ft. cell & tissue culture facility with two dedicated laminar hoods, one of which is exclusively used for clean, sterile cell cultures and the other used for experiments involving microbes or for isolating primary humans cells as well as handling human samples and specimens.

Shared Equipment (Prakasam & Bertassoni Lab)
FEI Quanta 400 environmental scanning electron microscope with Oxford EDS system, Customized 3D Bioprinter (Hyrel 3D), Stereolithography 3D printer (FormLabs1+), 2 Ember Digital Laser Projection 3D printers by Autodesk, EVOS automated fluorescent microscope equipped with Z-stack capability, Herrick Plasma cleaner, -86ºC freezer, Convection 80ºC oven, Freeze-dryer/Lyophilizer, Microfluidics syringe pumps (New England Pump), Cryogenic Dewar 32L, Centrifuge, 2 HEPA filtered 37ºC, CO2 incubators, 3 Biosafety II laminar flow cabinets, 1 chemical hood, Hysitron UBI nanodynamic mechanical analyzer; Microscope with Nomarski interference, video analysis systems; Stereomicroscopes; Nicolet 6700 FTIR with Continuum microscope and near IR capabilities; Sast response UV-vis spectrophotometer with fiber optic (Ocean Optics USB 2000); Optical bench with fixtures and accessories; profilometer; Benchtop UV-Vis spectrophotometer; 3 Shuttered, high pressure mercury arc lamps (EFOS) for UV photocuring studies and a wide array of commercial visible light dental curing units including LED, halogen and plasma arc sources;Two universal testing machines (Criterion and QTEST - MTS), Servo-hydraulic materials testing instrument (MTS BIONYX), Thermomechanical analyzer, Differential scanning calorimeter, Q800 dynamic mechanical analyzer, Discovery rheometer, Mercury dilatometer, Struers hardness tester, Tukon microhardness tester, Brookfield viscometer, DAC 150 speed mixer for composites, Mercury vapor analyzer; Simpliamp thermal cycler PCR machine, Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter, Epoch microplate spectrophotometer, Ultra centrifuges, Tissue disruptors, Western blot related equipment (life technologies), Bolt mini gel tanks, Iblot® Dry Blotting System, I- bind western device, E-GEL IMAGER.

Bertassoni Lab
Our lab space is right next to Dr. Bertassoni's lab and Dr. Bertassoni has kindly given as access to all their equipment and facilities.

Our lab has access to and we extensively use the Flow cytometry core, the microscopy core, Sequencing core and Proteomics core.